quksdns5.net Network Complete breakdown of IPv4

Complete breakdown of IPv4

The majority of today’s Internet traffic is routed through IPv4. This makes it extremely important and necessary. Today, in our article, we will look in-depth at its representation.

What does IPv4 mean?

IPv4 is an abbreviation for Internet Protocol version 4. It is the most common and widely used method. It was due to the advancement of TCP/IP. In 1982, SATNET, an early satellite network that shaped an earlier segment of the Internet, used it for the first time. 

Learn more about the beginning of IPv4

The IPv4 structure is the same as this one:, with four numbers ranging from 0 to 255 separated by dots. They use 32-bit address space. 

It is referred to as a connectionless protocol because communication (message exchange) can begin without prior arrangement between two endpoints on a network. In other words, a device can send data to a recipient without first determining whether it is available for communication or capable of receiving data.

IPv4 is based on the best-effort delivery model. Its mission does not include ensuring proper delivery. It is not in charge of avoiding repeat deliveries, safeguarding orders, or maintaining data integrity. It requires a partner, another protocol, such as the well-known TCP, to handle such jobs (transmission control protocol). In summary, IPv4 defines the format, communicates, addresses, and routes data.

How to check your IPv4?

It’s simple to locate your IP address. This is usually a dynamic IP address that changes regularly. Here’s how you can figure out what your computer’s IP address is:

  • On Windows 

To open the Command Prompt, go to the Start menu and type cmd. Then, in the Command Prompt, type ipconfig and hit Enter. Your IP address will be included in the data returned by the tool.

  • Оn a Mac

Open the Terminal. Enter the command curl ifconfig.me in the macOS Terminl to acquire your public IP address. For finding the private IPv4, enter ipconfig getifaddr en0.

  • On Linux

Begin by launching a terminal window. There are three ways to check Internet Protocol version 4, three commands – “hostname -I”,” ip addr” or “ifconfig”. Each of these commands will show you the IPv4 address.


IPv4 addresses are more straightforward, with fewer numbers in their structure. The new IPv6 version, on the other hand, has a more complicated format. When it comes to manual tasks, this is critical. IPv4 significantly reduces the possibility of human error.

Internet Protocol version 4 has a significantly more comprehensive range of compatibility. Both older and newer systems support this version of Internet Protocol without issue. On the other hand, version 6 of the IP address is only supported by the majority of modern technology devices.


Internet protocol version 4 is running out. More devices require a connection every day, and IPv4 is quickly becoming insufficient. IPv6 is the way of the future. We’ll gradually begin to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

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